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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Love & Hip Hop" (New York) Season 3 Episode 4 Recap: Losing Jen's Religion

The former radio personality turned rapper’s housewife known as Jen the Pen has a tough time spitting out her baby daddy’s allahu akbar’s alongside him. Though she claims that she “knew” Consequence’s Muslim faith was important to him, she’s acting brand new know that Consequence is actually following through with his promise.

His desire to raise his first-born son as a Muslim is unwavering, but having her boy miss out on Old St. Nick and the Gingerbread has Jen the Pen all verklempt. As she tearfully explains to her “friend”, Raqi, about her dilemma.
While Raqi hasn’t revealed much at all about her ethnicity, we do get a clue. Raqi’s father, it turns out, was Muslim. Her mother was Christian. So she can pretty much relate to Jen’s plight on all fronts.
But here’s the weird thing: Jen never really stands up for Christianity. Through all her tears and her angst, Jen the Pen stands up most for the Easter Bunny and Christmas gifts. Not Jesus, though.
Throughout her discussion with Raqi, it sounds to us like Jen might be waxing poetic about the wrong things. Being a Christian is definitely about something far more profound than Easter Eggs and stocking stuffers. If she can’t even take her old faith seriously, how can Cons have confidence that she’ll treat his religion with the respect it deserves?
Consequence, however, is stubborn as a mule and is determined to avoid cross-contaminating his son with Jen’s Christian upbringing. This too, is absolutely overkill and unnecessary. If Cons wanted to live such a devoutly Muslim life, he should’ve gone after a $100 Muslim girl. But he didn’t, so now he has to grapple with this interfaith struggle.
After consulting with Raqi, Consequence suggests they visit his spiritual leader, Imam Bilal. We’re not sure what sect of Islam Consequence belongs to, but if we had to guess, we’d say it’s the black-American variety, and not the form of Islam practiced by natives from the Middle East.
So while Consequence is expecting Imam to totally be on his side about raising their child together, Imam Bilali is surprisingly even-handed. He points out that many of the tears and heartache could be avoided if Consequence was a little more considerate.
He also points out that the couple is kind of doing this whole love, marriage and kids thing backwards. Before Consequence is going to worry about Jen’s faith, shouldn’t he actually MARRY her first?
That’s right. Get ‘em, Imam Bilal.
By the end of the session, Jen is grinning from ear to the ear because she believes she’s found an advocate. But she better hold on to her hijab, because her journey on this Muslim-Christian rollercoaster is just beginning.

Is Tahiry Hooked on Joe Still?

Tahiry isn’t Joe Budden’s boo thang anymore, but for some reason, she’s obsessed with his health and his well-being. So she meets up with Joe, who’s heavily bearded and hanging out in a place of worship, to “intervene” in his life.
Later, she begs Joe to submit to a random drug test and when he does so without TOO much of a fight, Tahiry walks away a little impressed.
Though she’s not ready to declare Joe as her one and only, she does feel “responsible” for Joe and his honesty is refreshing to her, since he’s been nothing but a liar in the past.
You can tell that Joe, for whatever reason, is a man that she just can’t let go.

Yandy and Mendeecees’ Health Scare

The precious little bundle of joy that Mendeecees and Yandy both call son gets thrown into a precarious situation when it’s revealed that Amare has health issues. His kidney function, it appears, has the potential to be compromised, which could eventually lead to his death if not treated.
Yandy is tearful and completely broken up about the whole thing, and she barely keeps it together in her solo scenes.
We hate to pull any spoilers off, but in the end, Yandy has nothing to worry about. So she can save the small leather jackets with spiked studs and dramatic scene music for another day.
The whole episode with their son brings Mendeecees and Yandy closer together. So much so that Mendeecees proposes they have another child together, a baby girl. Yandy rightfully pumps the brakes on that idea, pointing out that he hasn’t even wifed her yet.
That’s right, once a babymama shame on you. Twice a babymama, shame on me. Better late than never, Yandy.

Erica Mena Brings the Drama One Last Time

The two-light-skinned ladies in Rich Dollaz’s life haven’t been playing nicely together. Erica Mena starts the latest episode out by trying to extend the olive branch to Olivia. It was a nice idea, but Olivia’s not biting.
In her mind, Erica Mena is not worth anyone’s time or tears and there’s nothing anyone can do to make her matter to her. Not even her manager/ex-boyfriend.
While Erica definitely isn’t hot shit, Olivia’s dead-ass career ain’t nothing to write home about either. So to hear the claims of others saying she’s Rich’s “#1 artist,” it’s no wonder that Olivia thinks she’s all that. She’s definitely been looking at the wrong charts.
But she must be worth something to Rich, cause he sort of apologizes to Olivia later for Erica getting in her business and vows to put her first. He sheepishly asks why Liv can’t do him a personal favor but it’s a line that Olivia simply isn’t willing to cross. There’s no country for Erica Mena in Olivia’s world.
Things really come to a head though when a producer bails on a session with Erica because of rude comments she made about his production work. Erica’s mouth has once again worked against her. Rich is fed up and asks Erica when she’ll change. Her response? She storms off and tells Rich she’s not to blame.
This situation is utterly untenable. At some point, Rich is gonna have to choose. Who’s he gonna ride for: Will it be Olivia or Erica?

Raqi and Tahiry Battle One More Time

Raqi and Tahiry haven’t been able to stand in the same room for more than 10 minutes without scrapping and somehow, while Raqi is out with Jen, they bump into Tahiry and Fat Rihanna, aka Rashidah.
Out of all the motherfuckers in this whole dang club, Tahiry decides that she MUST sit next to Jen and later Raqi.
Rashidah tries to come for Raqi from the get go, talking about how she doesn’t really consider Raqi to be lady like. But Raqi rightfully points out that her Ronald McDonald-looking self is certainly no man’s idea of a fair and dainty maiden.
After trading shade barbs for a round or two, Raqi gets fed up when Rashidah and Tahiry try to pin the “industry pussy” label on her. Raqi exclaims, “You clockin’ my pussy miles?!”
Seriously. Why do video hos stay trying to say one is more slutty than the other? At the end of the day, 90 percent of the women on LHHNY are on this show cause of some rapper’s dick they sucked. So boom, bye with all that jazz.

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